sexta-feira, 13 de maio de 2016

O Islam é uma religião satânica: execução de crianças pelo ISIS


by Joseph Pelletier  •  •  May 12, 2016
AddThis Sharing Buttonsby Joseph Pelletier  •  •  May 12, 2016    9 Comments

Seven-year-old boy executed by firing squad, young girl locked in cage with skeletons

RAQQA, Syria ( - An outbreak of ISIS-ordered child executions and tortures are sending shock waves through Syria.

ISIS militants celebrating in Raqqa

Reports released Wednesday reveal details about the March execution of a Syrian Muslim boy, found guilty before the Islamic State Sharia court in Raqqa, Syria of blasphemy. Reports also detail the subjugation of a young Muslim girl to torture.
According to Asia News, seven-year-old Muaz Hassan was accused by an ISIS militant of blaspheming against the "divine essence" while playing football with friends. Prior to being sentenced to death, Hassan was declared to be an infidel and held in prison for a brief period of time. The public sentencing took place Friday, March 6 in the Duwar el Naiim square of Raqqa, before Hassan was dragged, bound hand and foot, in front of a crowd of hundreds of onlookers, many of whom were forced to attended against their will. Executioners than proceeded to shoot Hassan to death in front of his parents, his mother fainting from shock.
Sources within Syria reveal the public execution sent shock waves through the Syrian population, even extending to the leadership of ISIS, asserting that "cracks" are "beginning to emerge" within the governing body of the Islamic State in direct response to the murder of Muaz Hassan.

A 2014 public execution in Raqqa

Further discord followed the proclamation of punishments reserved for young Muslim females who do not observe the strict dress code. In April, a young girl in Raqqa was caught by ISIS militants without a head-cover as she was cleaning stairs in her family's building. As punishment the girl was brought to the public square and locked in a cage containing the skeletons of prisoners killed by the Islamic State.
Following hours of screaming and begging to be freed the girl passed out and was left in the cage for another hour before being taken to a hospital in Raqqa. Reports indicate she remains unresponsive. 
The division within the ISIS hierarchy has only been worsened with Raqqa, the self-proclaimed capital of the Caliphate, declaring a state of emergency, as Syrian Armed Forces and Allies close in on the city. Reports assert ISIS has "relocated scores of its forces" and is currently evacuating without "any flag of the group" for fear of air strikes. 
ISIS had taken complete control of Raqqa in January 2014, quickly rounding up and murdering alleged supporters of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad and destroying Shia mosques and Christian churches. One church in particular, the Armenian Catholic Church of the Martyrs, was spared but converted into an ISIS headquarters building. 
Since the initial takeover, the Christian population of Raqqa has largely disappeared.  

terça-feira, 10 de maio de 2016

Genocídio de cristãos continua

Ex-ministra iraquiana denuncia genocídio dos cristãos

Pascale Warda, presidente atual da Organização Hammurabi para os Direitos Humanos afirmou a necessidade urgente das Nações Unidas reconhecerem tais crimes
Fundação AIS
Em Portugal, nesse último fim de semana, Pascale Warda, presidente atual da Organização Hammurabi para os Direitos Humanos afirmou a necessidade urgente das Nações Unidas reconhecerem, sem margem para dúvidas, o “genocídio” dos cristãos e de outras minorias religiosas no Médio Oriente como consequência da perseguição levada a cabo por grupos jihadistas.
Warda, ex-ministra iraquiana e destacada ativista católica dos direitos humanos, fez uma das principais intervenções no 3º Encontro Nacional de Leigos, que reuniu cerca de sete centenas de participantes na cidade alentejana, e em que falou da necessidade de se “proteger os nossos irmãos perseguidos”.
Além de ter denunciado a situação de genocídio em que se encontram as comunidades cristãs nos territórios ocupados atualmente pelos jihadistas, Pascale Warda recordou ainda os genocídios de arménios e caldeus em 1915, sob o Império Otomano, que ocorrerem perante o que classificou como tendo sido o “silêncio” cúmplice da comunidade internacional.
Um silêncio que se repetiu em 1988, quando mais de duas centenas de aldeias cristãs – incluindo a sua – foram “completamente arrasadas com os seus mosteiros e igrejas”, pelas forças do regime de Saddam Hussein.

segunda-feira, 9 de maio de 2016

Obianuju Ekeocha: O que é colonização.

 Obianuju Ekeocha

Obianuju Ekeocha is a committed cradle Catholic born and raised in Nigeria. She has a BSc in Microbiology from the University of Nigeria and an MSc in Biomedical Science from the University of East London. She is currently living and working as a Specialist Biomedical Scientist in Canterbury, England. She has a passion for preserving, promoting and presenting the African Culture of Life and on that note she wrote "An Open Letter to Melinda Gates," published by Catholic Online and "In Defense of Dignity" published by Catholic Exchange. Her highest ambition is to be a missionary of the Gospel of Life in Africa and beyond. She is part of Culture of Life Africa (Culture de Vie Afrique), an initiative dedicated to the promotion and propagation of the Gospel of Life in Africa through the dissemination of good information, sensitisation and education.