quarta-feira, 30 de março de 2016

A migração islâmica e o surto de estupros na Europa



There is a rape epidemic in Europe — and it's linked directly to the influx of Muslim migrants. But European politicians and American mainstream media are refusing to acknowledge the obvious for reasons of political correctness.
It was recently reported that 100 percent of rapes in Oslo, Norway were perpetrated by non-European migrants, with nine out of 10 of the targets being European women. Denmark's rates are also alarming, with a majority of sexual assaults committed by Middle-Eastern migrants. And Sweden is the rape capital of Europe, with 77 percent of rapes in the country committed by the two13 Comments-percent Muslim population.
The rape epidemic in Scandinavia has gotten so bad that some blonde women are dying their hair black and only going out in groups in order to avoid being targeted by Muslim men. 
he New York Times reported in January that courses are being offered to help Muslim migrants integrate into Western society.
A course manual sets out a simple rule that all asylum seekers need to learn and follow: "To force someone into sex is not permitted in Norway, even when you are married to that person."

In Denmark, lawmakers are pushing to have such sex education included in mandatory language classes for refugees. The German region of Bavaria, the main entry point to Germany for asylum seekers, is already experimenting with such classes at a shelter for teenage migrants in the town of Passau.
Such notions may be a revelation to many of these men, who often come from brutally misogynistic countries like Pakistan, Somalia and Afghanistan — where Sharia law permits the stoning of women who've been victims of rape, where husbands are permitted to beat their wives (with the sanction of the Koran) if they disobey their husbands, and where women are in general strictly monitored and their movements restricted.
When people come from these societies — deeply ingrained with the concept of women as their property over whom they exercise absolute rights — and migrate en masse to Western nations, it's unrealistic to assume they will acquire a respect for women overnight. The facts prove otherwise: Many of these men fail to integrate, bringing their prejudices and violent, misogynistic tendencies to bear on unsuspecting European women, whom they hold in even lower regard than they do Middle-Eastern women.
The hundreds of sexual assault cases in Cologne on New Year's Eve marked something of a turning point for Germany. Whereas German citizens may have viewed migrants with a more sympathetic eye beforehand, much of that sympathy has vanished after the New Year's Eve attacks — where more than 800 women throughout Germany (with reports later surfacing of similar happenings in Sweden, Finland, Austria and Switzerland) were sexually assaulted by Muslim migrants, who surrounded the women, isolating them, and then groped, grabbed and in some cases raped them.
The situation was similar to what Egyptian women experienced in Tahrir Square in 2013, when a number of them reported being encircled by men, drawn away from their girlfriends and then violently assaulted — what the women called the "circle of Hell." 
Sexual assaults and in some cases forced prostitution are taking place in German refugee camps, where women and children are seen as "fair game," with little protection in the overcrowded tents. The situation has gotten bad enough that separate camps are being set aside only for women and children in order to protect them. And some of these sexual crimes are now spilling over into the neighboring towns.
Germans have had enough. They've held multiple rallies demanding that Chancellor Angela Merkel reverse her open-door policy on migrants, with participants bearing signs that read "Rapefugees not welcome."
Poland is also experiencing migrant fatigue, with a recent cover of a Polish magazine featuring a controversial image of a European woman wrapped in the EU flag being grabbed by dark-skinned hands, and the title "The Islamic Rape of Europe."
The overwhelming number of reports  reveal that the rape epidemic in Europe is real, and it's directly tied to the migrant crisis in Europe — a crisis that is now approaching the United States with the recent influx of Syrian refugees. If American leaders — including the U.S. bishops — don't confront the hard truths about Islamic culture and ingrained beliefs of many of these Middle-Eastern migrants, American women and children may soon start experiencing the same horrors as those increasingly faced by European women.

quarta-feira, 16 de março de 2016

Estupro, contraceptivos e o profeta. Algumas características do Islã.

Estado Islâmico usa contraceptivos para manter estupros de escravas sexuais

Rukmini Callimachi
Em Dohuk (Iraque)
  • Tara Todras-Whitehill/The New York Times
    A adolescente M. foi vendida 7 vezes para combatentes do EI como escrava sexual
    A adolescente M. foi vendida 7 vezes para combatentes do EI como escrava sexual
Trancada dentro de um quarto onde o único móvel era uma cama, a jovem de 16 anos passou a temer o pôr do sol, porque o anoitecer dava início à contagem regressiva para seu próximo estupro.

Durante o ano em que esteve nas mãos do Estado Islâmico, ela passou seus dias temendo o cheiro do hálito do combatente do EI, os sons repulsivos que fazia e a dor que ele lhe causava em seu corpo. Mais que tudo, ela era atormentada pelo pensamento de que poderia engravidar de seu estuprador.

Mas essa era a única coisa com a qual não precisava se preocupar.

Logo após comprá-la, o combatente trouxe à adolescente uma caixa redonda contendo uma cartela com quatro fileiras de pílulas, uma delas de cor vermelha.

"Todo dia, eu tinha que tomar uma diante dele. Ele me dava uma caixa por mês. Quando acabava, ele trazia uma nova. Quando eu fui vendida de um homem para outro, a caixa de pílulas vinha comigo", explicou a garota, que soube apenas meses depois que estava tomando algo para impedir que engravidasse.

É uma solução moderna para uma situação medieval: segundo uma regra obscura da lei islâmica citada pelo Estado Islâmico, um homem deve assegurar que a mulher que escraviza não esteja grávida antes de ter relações com ela.

Os líderes do Estado Islâmico tornaram a escravidão sexual, como acreditam que era praticada na época do Profeta Maomé, como parte integral das operações do grupo, atacando mulheres e meninas que o grupo capturou entre a minoria religiosa yazidi há quase dois anos.

Para manter o comércio de sexo funcionando, os combatentes impõem agressivamente o controle de natalidade às suas vítimas, para que o abuso possa prosseguir sem interrupção enquanto as mulheres são passadas entre eles.

Mais de três dúzias de mulheres yazidis que escaparam recentemente do Estado Islâmico e que concordaram em ser entrevistadas para este artigo descreveram os numerosos métodos usados pelos combatentes para evitar a gravidez, incluindo anticoncepcionais orais e injetáveis, às vezes ambos.

Em pelo menos um caso, uma mulher foi forçada a abortar para que permanecesse disponível para sexo e outras foram pressionadas a fazê-lo.

Algumas descreveram como sabiam que estavam prestes a ser vendidas, quando eram levadas a um hospital para fazerem testes de gravidez. Elas aguardavam seus resultados com apreensão: um teste positivo significaria estarem carregando o filho de seu estuprador; um resultado negativo permitiria aos combatentes do Estado Islâmico continuar as estuprando.

As regras não eram seguidas de modo universal, com muitas mulheres descrevendo serem atacadas por homens que ignoravam as regras ou as desafiavam.

No geral, o uso metódico de anticoncepcionais durante ao menos parte do cativeiro das mulheres explica o que os médicos que cuidam das fugitivas recentes observaram: das mais de 700 vítimas de estupro do grupo étnico yazidi que buscaram tratamento até o momento na clínica apoiada pela Organização das Nações Unidas, no norte do Iraque, apenas 5% engravidaram durante o período em que foram mantidas como escravas, segundo o dr. Nagham Nawzat, o ginecologista que realiza os exames.

A adolescente capturada, que concordou em ser identificada pela inicial do seu nome, M., foi vendida sete vezes.
Tara Todras-Whitehill/The New York Times
M. é confortada por parentes antes de ser enviada para viver com sua família, que está refugiada na Alemanha
Quando compradores potenciais perguntavam sobre ela, ela os ouvia pedindo por garantias de que não estava grávida, e seu dono apresentava a caixa de anticoncepcionais como prova.
Isso não bastou para o terceiro homem que a comprou, ela disse. Ele perguntou sobre a data de seu último ciclo menstrual e lhe deu uma versão da chamada pílula do dia seguinte, que lhe causou sangramento.

Finalmente ele foi ao quarto dela, fechou a porta e ordenou que retirasse sua calcinha. A adolescente temeu que seria estuprada.

Em vez disso, ele pegou uma seringa e lhe aplicou na coxa. Era uma dose de 150 miligramas de Depo-Provera, um anticoncepcional injetável.

Quando terminou, ele a empurrou para a cama e a estuprou pela primeira vez.
Milhares de mulheres e meninas da minoria yazidi permanecem cativas do Estado Islâmico, depois que os jihadistas tomaram suas terras ancestrais no Monte Sinjar, em 3 de agosto de 2014. De lá para cá, centenas conseguiram escapar.
Muitas das mulheres entrevistadas para este artigo foram contatadas inicialmente por líderes da comunidade yazidi e deram seu consentimento. Todas as vítimas de estupro menores de idade que concordaram em falar foram entrevistadas acompanhadas por membros da família.

J., uma jovem de 18 anos, disse que foi vendida ao governador do Estado Islâmico de Tal Afar, uma cidade no norte do Iraque.

"Todo mês, ele me aplicava uma dose. Era o assistente dele que me levava ao hospital", disse J., que foi entrevistada ao lado de sua mãe, após escapar neste ano.
Lynsey Addario/The New York Times
J., escrava sexual do governador do EI de Tal Afar, tomava as injeções em um hospital
"Além disso ele também me dava pílulas anticoncepcionais. Ele me disse: 'Não queremos que você fique grávida'", ela disse.

Quando ela foi vendida a um combatente jovem na cidade síria de Tal Barak, foi a mãe do combatente que a escoltou até o hospital.

"Ela me disse: 'Se você estiver grávida, nós devolveremos você'", disse J. "Cerca de 30 ou 40 minutos depois, eles voltaram e disseram que eu não estava grávida."

A mãe do combatente disse de forma triunfante ao seu filho que a jovem não estava grávida, validando seu direito de estuprá-la, o que ele fez repetidamente.
Tara Todras-Whitehill/The New York Times
Uma jovem de 20 anos, que pediu para ser identificada apenas como H., começou a sentir nauseada logo depois de sua abdução.

Já grávida na época de sua captura, ela se considera uma das afortunadas. Por quase dois meses, H. foi mantida em quartos trancados, mas foi poupada do abuso sofrido pela maioria das mulheres jovens presas com ela.

Apesar de ser forçada a repetidas vezes fornecer uma amostra de urina e dos testes sempre darem positivo, ela também acabou sendo pega.

Seu dono a levou até uma casa que era dividida com outro casal. Quando o casal estava presente, ele não se aproximava dela, sugerindo que ele sabia que era ilegal. Apenas quando o casal deixava o local é que ele fazia sexo à força com ela.

Posteriormente ele a levou a um hospital para obrigá-la a fazer um aborto e teve um acesso de fúria quando ela recusou a cirurgia, dando repetidos socos no estômago dela. Mesmo assim, o comportamento dele sugeria que estava envergonhado: ele nunca disse aos médicos que queria que H. abortasse, em vez disso implorando para que ela mesma pedisse o procedimento.

Quando ele a levou para casa, ela aguardou até a partida dele e então se jogou do muro da propriedade.

"Meus joelhos estavam sangrando, eu fiquei tonta. Quase não conseguia caminhar", ela disse.

Semanas depois, com a ajuda de contrabandistas contratados por sua família, ela foi retirada do território do Estado Islâmico.

O primeiro filho dela, um menino com saúde, nasceu dois meses depois

terça-feira, 8 de março de 2016

There's no question – the Missionaries of Charity in Yemen 'died as martyrs'

Missionaries of Charity at a prayer vigil in St. Peter's Square, June 19, 2015. Credit: Daniel Ibanez/CNA.
.- After a recent attack at a Missionaries of Charity convent in Yemen claimed the lives of four of the sisters there, the bishop overseeing the area said he has no doubt they died as martyrs.
“For me there is no doubt that the sisters have been victims of hatred – hatred against our faith,” Bishop Paul Hinder told CNA March 6.
“The Missionaries of Charity died as martyrs: as martyrs of charity, as martyrs because they witnessed Christ and shared the lot of Jesus on the Cross,” he said, pointing to one of the prayers they recited daily.
The short prayer asks that “Lord, teach me to be generous. Teach me to serve you as you deserve; to give and not to count the cost, to fight and not to heed the wounds, to toil and not to seek for rest, to labor and not to ask for reward.”
Recited after their morning Mass and before breakfast, the prayer is one of the last that the sisters would have prayed before being killed.
Although he doesn't like to speak of reasons “for an unreasonable act,” Bishop Hinder would be difficult not to see that the event was motivated by “a misled religious mind.”
The bishop, who serves as apostolic vicar of the Arabian Peninsula, said that he believes the sisters were a target because certain radical groups in the country “simply do not support the presence of Christians who serve the poorest of the poor.”
While so far no one has claimed responsibility for the attack, it is believed that carried out by members of either Al-Qaeda or ISIS.
The bishop reiterated that “there is no reason for such an act unless people, who deliberately or not knowingly, are the devil's agents.”
Bishop Hinder’s comments follow a March 4 attack at a Missionaries of Charity convent and nursing home for the elderly and disabled persons in Aden, the provisional capital of Yemen, which left 16 dead.
Four of the victims were sisters of the Missionaries of Charity, the community founded by Blessed Mother Teresa. They have been identified by the Apostolic Vicariate of Southern Arabia as Sr. Anselm from India, Sr. Margherite from Rwanda, Sr. Reginette from Rwanda, and Sr. Judith from Kenya.
Other victims of the attack included volunteers at the home, at least five of whom were Ethiopian. Many were Yemenis. The nursing home had around 80 residents, who were unharmed.
The Apostolic Vicariate of Southern Arabia said the Missionaries of Charity have been present in Yemen since 1973 after the then Government of North Yemen formally invited them to care for the sick and elderly. The home in Aden has been open since 1992.
The attack comes as Yemen is embroiled in a civil war that killed more than 6,000 people, according to the United Nations.
In March 2015 Houthi rebels, who are Shia Muslims, took over portions of Yemen seeking to oust its Sunni-led government.
Saudi Arabia, which borders Yemen's north, has led a coalition backing the government. Both Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State have set up strongholds in the country amid the power vacuum.
Bishop Hinder said the attack on the Missionaries of Charity convent is proof that the war rages on, despite all attempts for negotiation.
“There are groups, especially in Aden region, who are not under control of the regular government and try to destabilize the country and to terrorize the people,” he said, noting that the few remaining Catholics will soon “have no other choice than to remain as discreet as possible” and try to wait for peace to be reinstalled.
The bishop said that currently its “impossible” to give an exact number of the Catholics left in Yemen because the war makes it difficult to obtain reliable statistics.
Many of the Catholics who haven’t left the country could be working in hospitals, but are unable able to reach their places of worship, which at present “are working only in a reduced way,” he said.
He blamed this on “the nationwide insecurity,” adding that before the war, he the estimated number of Catholics that he sent to Rome was 4,000 in all of Yemen.
However, Bishop Hinder said that he is sure “that in the meantime the number has essentially dropped.”
Although the effects won’t be seen immediately, the bishop said that both the sisters’ sacrifice as well as our prayers “will work.”
“As Christians we believe that Golgotha is not the end, but the Risen Lord who will have the final word at the last judgment.”
The bishop also said that he currently has no information on the whereabouts of Fr. Tom Uzhunnalil, a Salesian priest from India who had been staying with the sisters since his church was attacked and burned last September, and who has been missing since the Aden attack.
Fr. Uzhunnalil belongs to the Province of the Salesians of Bangalore and has been a missionary in Yemen since 2012, first in Taiz, and later in Aden at a church dedicated to St. Francis.
The Salesians have been present in Yemen for 29 years and are the only Catholic ministers in the country. Fr. Uzhunnalil was the only one left in Aden, and so collaborated closely with the Missionaries of Charity, who are the only religious congregation in the city.
Although the whereabouts of Fr. Uzhunnalil are still unclear, the Secretary of the Province of Bangalore, Fr. Valarkote Matthew, said in a March 6 communique that it seems as if Fr. Uzhunnalil “was taken away.”
However, he stressed that “this still needs to be confirmed. We are trying to ascertain the facts from different sources, but we only know for sure that around half past 8:30 in the morning several members of Al-Qaeda or Daesh (ISIS) broke into the convent.”
In the communique, it was noted that the vicar of the Major Rector of the Salesians, Fr. Francesco Cereda, is in constant contact with local authorities.
“The situation is still uncertain and we are unable to provide more specific details on what might have happened to our brother and where he is right now,” he said, but assured that the “profound and heartfelt prayer” of the community is being offered.
Fr. Cereda expressed his hope that Fr. Uzhunnalil “can be among us quickly and continue the precious service he held at his mission; our remembrance is for the four missionaries of charity.”


domingo, 6 de março de 2016

Franciscanos de verdade



"A shepherd does not abandon his flock and does not ask whether his sheep are worth much or little"

JERUSALEM (ChurchMilitant.com) - Franciscan friars ministering in ISIS-controlled parts of Syria are choosing not to leave the people to whom they minister, even if it means they are killed.
The Franciscan Friars of the Custody of the Holy Land maintain many holy sites in Israel, Palestine, Jordan and Syria. They currently own and administer 74 shrines and sanctuaries and share custody of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem and the Shrine of the Nativity in Nazareth with Orthodox churches.
The community's Prior, Fr. Pierbattista Pizzaballa, recently polled the friars who lived in ISIS-controlled parts of Syria, asking if they wanted to leave the area and move to safer places.
Pizzaballa confirmed: "Almost all have clearly expressed the view that it is only right to remain in the villages, without consideration for the number of parishioners or the danger involved."
The number of Christians left in militant Islamist areas in Syria is in the hundreds. Bells, crosses and statues have been removed from their churches, and they aren’t allowed to show any external signs of devotion.
Pizzaballa continued, "A shepherd does not abandon his flock and does not ask whether his sheep are worth much or little, or if they are numerous or young. For a shepherd all the sheep are important and he loves them all the same way."
Franciscans have a special connection with the people of the Middle East and Muslims.
Tradition maintains that in 1219 St. Francis of Assisi, the founder of the Franciscans, journeyed to Damietta in Egypt during the Fifth Crusade. He and another friar left the Crusaders' camp and went out to the Muslim forces to try to convert them. They were soon captured, beaten and imprisoned for a short time. Finally, St. Francis met the sultan (Al-Kamil) and preached to him.
Saint Francis offered a challenge to the sultan, requesting two large fires be built. Francis then called the imams to get in one fire and he in the other. He said the one representing the true faith would emerge unburned. The Sultan’s imams refused while Francis went into his fire and stayed there unburned. The sultan was moved by Francis' witness and allowed him and his friars to preach unhindered throughout his empire.  
After the deaths of St. Francis and the sultan, the Franciscans had a continuous presence in the Holy Land, being allowed by subsequent sultans to occupy the holy places. When the Turks captured Jerusalem in 1552 they were banished from the area until the erection of the State of Israel in 1948.